1. Marketing Cover Letter Examples & Template [2024]

Marketing Cover Letter Examples & Template [2024]

LiveCareer Editorial Team

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Whether you’re a seasoned marketing executive or a marketing intern looking to get that first serious job, you’ll need a winning marketing cover letter (or covering letter). Winning, but not award-winning. Your marketing cover letter has one job to do and it’s not to bring home a Davey Award.

The best and most effective cover letter is the one that lets your skills and achievements shine and gets you that interview. Keep reading for a step-by-step guide to writing a cover letter that’s been written specifically for marketing professionals of all experience levels. You’ll find plenty of examples and advice as well as a template to work from.

Save time and have a cover letter ready in no time. Pick a cover letter template, use pre-written suggestions, and have your cover letter ready in minutes.

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Marketing Cover Letter Example

Leah Sinclair

54 Overton Circle


L3 5YN

079 2627 5965


16th June 2021

Elizabeth Hale

Marketing Hiring Manager

Blue Door Outfitters

22 Cunnery Rd


L3 3ZB

Dear Ms Hale,

Being a long-time admirer of Blue Door’s ability to make the retail experiences of old new again, I was delighted to read of the opportunity to join Blue Door’s team as a marketing manager. In my 4 years as a digital marketing specialist with Red Rust Rentals I’ve found similarly innovative ways to keep engagement metrics rising an average of 40-60% a month whilst actually reducing net costs.

Inspired by the traditional meat raffle, I introduced a dynamic series of low-cost online contests and draws that have boosted social media engagement by 20-30% per month each month since February. I streamlined our reputation management system by delegating over 60% of daily monitoring tasks to more junior colleagues and scheduling their workflow, allowing my team to deal more effectively with the <5% of issues that require in-depth intervention. I created a secondary sales funnel which catches over 80% of people not captured by the primary funnel and steers them towards minor, low-barrier purchase actions that, although barely profitable, have consistently yielded an extra £7,000+ a month. The oversight of 3 outsourced printing suppliers is also a big part of my role at Red Rust and over the past year I’ve reduced the need for reprints by 38% through more systematic quality control earlier in the process, saving at least £9,500 annually.

Blue Door’s blending of the trappings of days gone by with cutting-edge tech and dynamic growth models very much appeals to me. My track record of innovation and strong focus on sustainable growth could, I believe, be put to great use at Blue Door.

Thank you for your consideration, I look forward to discussing my candidature with you further.

Yours Sincerely,

Leah Sinclair

1. Begin your marketing cover letter with a properly set out header

Start your letter with your details first. Align your name, postal address, phone number, and email address to the right. Hit enter twice (leave a line blank) and write the date. The format for the date is always the same: 1st January 2021, 3rd May 2021, 14th July 2021. Leave another line blank (hit enter twice).

Now align the hiring manager’s details to the left. Include their full name, job title, the company name, and the company’s postal address. It’s at this point that you may be realising that you don’t know to whom to address your cover letter. More on this in the next section.

Marketing cover letter examples: header

Leah Sinclair

54 Overton Circle


L3 5YN

079 2627 5965


16th June 2021

Elizabeth Hale

Marketing Hiring Manager

Blue Door Outfitters

22 Cunnery Rd


L3 3ZB

You can adjust every cover letter created in the builder to meet the job requirements. Choose the name of your profession and the company to which you’re applying, and the builder will automatically adapt the content for you. Create a cover letter faster than you ever thought possible and apply for the job in record time.

Create your cover letter nowcover letter builder

Create your cover letter now

2. Use the right salutation for a marketing cover letter

Begin your cover letter with a personal salutation. Dear + first name (e.g. Dear John) is best. You might feel safer using the more formal Dear + title + surname (e.g. Dear Mr Smith) if applying for a marketing intern or entry-level position. Keep it gender-neutral if in any doubt and always use Ms rather than Miss or Mrs.

What should you do if you don’t have the hiring manager’s name? Well, find out, if at all possible. Double check the advert for clues, search online, check LinkedIn. You could even call and ask. Consider the effort you put in an investment—it will pay off.

If you really can’t put a name to the role, then go with “Dear Hiring Manager” or, better yet, “Dear XYZ Department/Team Hiring Manager”. Avoid the old-fashioned and effortless “To Whom It May Concern” or “Dear Sir/Madam” approach—the hiring manager won’t be impressed.

Marketing cover letter examples: salutation

Dear Ms Hale,

3. Open strong and introduce yourself in your marketing cover letter

Marketers know all about hooking their audience and the importance of attention-grabbing first impressions. How do you do that in a cover letter? You have 40-80 words to do three things:

  • Show your enthusiasm for the company and passion for the work
  • Mention the job and company to which you’re applying
  • Give a taste of what you bring to the table.

Have experience? Describe one of your achievements in your current marketing job. Show that it lines up with the company’s goals. Explain how you can apply the skills your accomplishment points to if need be. Be specific and quantify your results and achievements. Use an accomplishment statement.

Writing a marketing internship cover letter or entry-level marketing cover letter? Start with your passion for the job and the company. Save achievements for the next section if you have them. Include a belief statement here in the opening. Use it to show that you’re a match for the company’s values and mission. 

Now is also a great time to name-drop if you were referred to the position. Don’t be afraid to put your contacts and connections in full view, social proof can be an extremely effective tool.

Marketing cover letter examples: opening

Being a long-time admirer of Blue Door’s ability to make the retail experiences of old new again, I was delighted to read of the opportunity to join Blue Door’s team as a Marketing Manager. In my 4 years as a Digital Marketing Specialist with Red Rust Rentals I’ve found similarly innovative ways to keep engagement metrics rising an average of 40-60% a month whilst actually reducing net costs.

You don’t have to create any content yourself. The LiveCareer cover letter maker will automatically suggest the best content for your cover letter with ready-made examples and expert tips.

Create your cover lettercover letter builder

Create your cover letter

4. Show what you can bring to the company

The main part of your cover letter is a showcase of your achievements and skills. Use them to show that you’re the perfect match for the job. Consider using something like the STAR method to structure your sentences and quantify everything you can, especially results.

Base each achievement around an action you took and the results that flowed from that action. Aim for two or three achievements, about 120-200 words in total. Break this section down into two paragraphs if you end up with a large block of text. You could also use bullet points to break things down visually.

Writing a cover letter for a marketing internship with no experience or for an entry-level marketing job? Include relevant achievements from your studies or volunteer work. Don’t force it, though. If you don’t have anything that works, just skip this section. Your belief statement will become the main part of your cover letter.

Marketing cover letter examples: main paragraph

Inspired by the traditional meat raffle, I introduced a dynamic series of low-cost online contests and draws that have boosted social media engagement by 20-30% per month each month since February. I streamlined our reputation management system by delegating over 60% of daily monitoring tasks to more junior colleagues and scheduling their workflow, allowing my team to deal more effectively with the <5% of issues that require in-depth intervention. I created a secondary sales funnel which catches over 80% of people not captured by the primary funnel and steers them towards minor, low-barrier purchase actions that, although barely profitable, have consistently yielded an extra £7,000+ a month. The oversight of 3 outsourced printing suppliers is also a big part of my role at Red Rust and over the past year I’ve reduced the need for reprints by 38% through more systematic quality control earlier in the process, saving at least £9,500 annually.

5. Wrap things up and add a call to action

Briefly summarise your achievements, picking out the main theme or themes. Tie them back into benefits for your new employer. Make it clear that your skills and achievements are exactly what they’re looking for. Show your interest in the company by referring to some specific information about it.

Thank the hiring manager for their time and end your cover letter with a call to action. Remember that the purpose of your marketing cover letter and CV is to get to that interview.

Keep the ending part of your cover letter very short, about 40-60 words, one or two paragraphs.

Marketing cover letter examples: closing paragraph

Blue Door’s blending of the trappings of days gone by with cutting-edge tech and dynamic growth models very much appeals to me. My track record of innovation and strong focus on sustainable growth could, I believe, be put to great use at Blue Door.

Thank you for your consideration, I look forward to discussing my candidature with you further.

6. Sign off the right way

There are two conventional ways to sign off in a marketing cover letter, you just need to choose the right one:

  • “Yours sincerely” if you addressed the cover letter to a person by name, e.g. ‘Dear Jill’
  • “Yours faithfully” if you didn’t use their name, e.g. “Dear Hiring Manager”. 

Marketing cover letter examples: sign-off

Yours sincerely,

Leah Sinclair

7. Formatting your marketing cover letter

Your marketer’s eye for detail and appreciation for classy understatement are really going to come in handy here. Your cover letter needs to follow the conventions of a standard UK business letter and it needs to look good and be easy to read. Here’s a list of tips to make that happen.


How long can a cover letter be? Over half an A4 page but no longer than one A4 page, about 200-350 words in total. It should also be nicely proportioned:

  • Opening paragraph—between 60 and 80 words
  • Main body—between 120 and 200 words
  • Closing paragraph—between 40 and 60 words.

Visual consistency

Your marketing CV and cover letter are two parts of one document. They should clearly share a look to reflect this, from colour choices to font selection. Simple templates are recommended as they improve the document's readability.

Choosing an appropriate font

This is one situation in which understatement is a real asset. Stick to classic fonts that don’t draw attention to themselves, like Arial, Noto, and Garamond. If in doubt, go with the default Liberation or Calibri—they’re defaults for a reason. Stay with 11 or 12 point font size, don’t drop below 10 points.

Use page layout to your advantage

Your goal is to make your marketing cover letter a pleasure to read. You have an entire A4 page to work with, fully use it to your advantage. Play with line spacing, paragraph formatting, and page margins to get your cover letter looking just right (the ideal margins should be approximately 1-inch all around). Use bullet points to break up large chunks or text.

Export to PDF

Use PDF format for your cover letter unless you’ve been specifically asked for something else. Even then, consider including a PDF version as well—file types such as *.docx are known for being a little unpredictable.

A cover letter alone simply won’t be enough—you need an impactful CV, too. Create your CV in minutes. Choose a professional CV template and quickly fill in every CV section using ready-made content and expert advice.

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Was this article and sample helpful? Did it cover everything you needed to know about writing a marketing cover letter? Did you get that dream marketing job you were going for? Let us know in the comments!

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Our editorial team has reviewed this article for compliance with Livecareer’s editorial guidelines. It’s to ensure that our expert advice and recommendations are consistent across all our career guides and align with current CV and cover letter writing standards and trends. We’re trusted by over 10 million job seekers, supporting them on their way to finding their dream job. Each article is preceded by research and scrutiny to ensure our content responds to current market trends and demand.

About the author

LiveCareer Editorial Team
LiveCareer Editorial Team

Since 2005, the LiveCareer Team has been helping job seekers advance their careers. In our in-depth guides, we share insider tips and the most effective CV and cover letter writing techniques so that you can beat recruiters in the hiring game and land your next job fast. Also, make sure to check out our state-of-the-art CV and cover letter builder—professional, intuitive, and fully in line with modern HR standards. Trusted by 10 million users worldwide.

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